Setting up a management solution can be double-edged for consulting firms, hovering between valuable help or organizational burden. Aware of this challenge, Conseil Renault Consulting set about conducting this decisive project, abandoning an old software that had become obsolete in order to make its choice towards the Fitnet Manager business management ERP.

A need for change and novelty

The consulting office was looking for a complete business specific solution in its basic format, but still flexible enough to evolve and be configured according to its particular needs and expectations. Through the presentation sessions of the tool, Renault Consulting was able to appreciate the functional richness, but also the logical, intuitive and user-friendly ergonomics of Fitnet Manager : « The most important for us was to have an ergonomic software, easy to use, but also malleable and sophisticated enough to meet our needs, of course […], says Stéphane Andrieu, Marketing and Partnerships Manager. It was necessary that all this be possible in one solution ».

Fitnet Manager’s SaaS (Software as a Service) ERP positioning has also been a major asset in effectively meeting the challenges of the consulting firms. Access to the application is simple: all you need is an internet connection to connect to the platform or the mobile application. A significant comfort for Renault consultants who travel often. In addition, the online distribution of ERP allows Fitnet to regularly make updates and to provide its customers with a tool that is always efficient.

Fitnet Manager : an attentive team

But Fitnet Manager is not just a management software, it’s also a reactive and available team, especially during the project phase. The online ERP format allows the Fitnet Manager team to provide remote assistance, to be reachable at all times and with very short response times. A constructive dialogue was therefore established between the two companies, and Renault Consulting users immediately noticed that the Fitnet Manager project team was very receptive to suggestions for the development and optimization of the tool. In this context of exchange and in response to the needs of Renault Consulting was born the module « Training », integrated since then to the standard version of the application and now available to all customers Fitnet.

After several tests, presentations of the software and exchanges with the team, Renault Consulting finalized its decision to take Fitnet Manager on for the management of its administrative processes. The usual process of implementation soon followed: the support teams trained the consulting firm’s administrators in the handling of the tool, which allowed them to become autonomous and to be able to train in their turn the future users of their company.

« We had regular appointments with the Fitnet Manager team, explains Stéphane Andrieu, and everything went smoothly, naturally and without blocking. The procedure was simple: we logged on to become familiar with the tool, try to understand how it works, then we could list our questions and send them directly to the Fitnet Manager team for them to give us answers and direct us. »

A positive reception for the ERP solution

From the first weeks of use of the application, the software meets the expectations of Renault Consulting and the project is a success! The employees quickly adhered to the solution and the back-office management of the company as a whole was considerably facilitated and optimized. For Valérie Bray, Customer Service Manager at Renault Consulting, you have to see how users behave: « The consultants no longer hesitate to fill in their schedules and do it during the day when I ask them. No need to multiply reminders! » Stéphane Andrieu also confirms this enthusiasm « When our users saw how to complete a timesheet, I assure you, we only had radiant faces! Because it’s simple and fast where before, everything was complicated and boring »

With the success of this project, the next step for Renault Consulting France is to implement Fitnet Manager in its other European entities!