Cloud ERP with all-inclusive services

Our team is everywhere in between from implementation to technical support!

Unlimited Assistance and Support

The Fitnet Manager teams provide unlimited assistance from the beginning of the project and up to the production launch of customer environments, without additional cost. Beyond the go-live, Fitnet Manager’s technical-functional consultants remain available to all customers by providing a direct and unlimited support service:

  • Telephone Support on a dedicated telephone line
  • Support by email directly from the application via an integrated tool
  • Question and Answer Sessions by web conference organized on demand
  • Access to the Help center

Project Implementation

  • Support to the configuration
  • Support for training
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Specific adaptations


  • Direct Phone Support
  • Email Support
  • Appointment planning with our experts
  • Online Help Center

Project Implementation

  • Support to the configuration
  • Support for training
  • Detailed Documentation
  • Specific adaptations


  • Direct Phone Support
  • Email Support
  • Appointment planning with our experts
  • Online Help Center

Corrective and Scalable Maintenance

The Fitnet Manager Development team spends 100% of its energy on optimizing the solution and enriching the tool. The goal is to better meet the uses of each organization.

All the developments made are systematically integrated into the standard application. As a result, every improvement made benefits all users of the solution. The ERP Solution Fitnet Manager regularly evolves the application through automatic monthly updates including important ergonomic and functional changes.

of the solution

  • Delivery of monthly Updates
  • A major version upgrade per year
  • PDF Editions customization
  • Web Services configuration
  • Accounting/Payroll Connector
  • Permissions Settings

of the solution

  • Delivery of monthly Updates
  • A major version upgrade per year
  • PDF Editions customization
  • Web Services configuration
  • Accounting/Payroll Connector
  • Paramétrage des autorisations

Professional Hosting and Secure Architecture

The SaaS mode aims to free the companies from the constraints of the administration of a server. The accommodation includes security services and daily backups operated by our professional accommodation center.

The dedicated servers benefit from a separate dual power source, dual network connection, hard drives in RAID and hot swap, hosted in a high-end secure computing space.


  • Directly connected to the optical fibre, the servers benefit from a quality network meeting all telecom standards
  • A technical team responsible for ensuring permanent continuity of the connectivity service
  • Commitment on an availability level of less than 30 minutes of network interruption per month, which is an SLA of 99.9%

Our service of
Technical Maintenance

  • Upgrading OS to JBoss servers and MySQL server
  • Daily backup of databases stored on a Network Area Storage (NAS)
  • Commitment to restore the database under 24h in case of an incident


  • Directly connected to the optical fibre, the servers benefit from a quality network meeting all telecom standards
  • A technical team responsible for ensuring permanent continuity of the connectivity service
  • Commitment on an availability level of less than 30 minutes of network interruption per month, which is an SLA of 99.9%

Our Service of
Technical Maintenance

  • Upgrading OS to JBoss servers and MySQL server
  • Daily backup of databases stored on a Network Area Storage (NAS)
  • Commitment to restore the database under 24h in case of an incident



BSA Conseil with Fitnet Manager is certified ISO 27001 for its entire scope of activities : design, development, distribution and operational maintenance of the ERP SaaS solution Fitnet Manager!

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Fitnet Manager is committed to respond always more efficiently to the RGPD requirements. We protect personal data: database encryption, anonymizing actions and mass data purging are provided by the software.

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